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Roger A. Jahnke O.M.D.  Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi

General Information:

Area of Experiences: Qigong (Chi Kung)
Tai Chi (Taijiquan)
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Body Work Therapeutic Massage
Daoist Philosophy and Daoist Teaching in Practical Experience
Level of Experience: Advanced
Personal Practice
Professional Instructor
Engaged in Research Project's
The Institute of Integral Qigong & Tai Chi (IIQTC) offers several levels of Qigong and Tai Chi certification:

Enthusiastic Citizen
This is not a certification, but a unique approach to sharing Qigong with others. If you are enthusiastic about the Healer Within concept, have read books, attended lectures or workshops, or are simply inspired to spontaneously begin sharing with others, then you qualify as an Enthusiastic Citizen. This activity is founded in virtue and is usually done for little or no compensation. The Enthusiastic Citizen works with others to create a community of people who sustain the practice of Qigong in their community.

Community Qigong Facilitator Certification
This is a 60-hour certification program and consists of completing IIQTC Level 1. This certification is useful for people who wish to lead Qigong practice sessions at YMCAs, community recreation centers, senior programs, etc. Fee includes tuition, onsite training materials, accommodations and meals.

Qigong and Tai Chi Instructor
This is a 200-hour certification program and consists of completing IIQTC Levels 1, 2, and 3. This certification satisfies the Professional Membership level for the National Qigong Association. Additionally, each student must complete a 20-hour anatomy or physiology course and demonstrate proficiency as a teacher before certification is awarded.

Medical Qigong and Qigong Healing Certification
Pre-requisite: Qigong and Tai Chi Instructor, 200-hour program
The focus of this week-long training is to refine the healing aspect of Qigong as it is applied to medical conditions. In the pre-requisite course we covered Qigong for healing and transmission practices, and in this training we penetrate even deeper into both self-cultivation (Qigong with a specific medical focus) and Transmission of Qi.

Advanced Qigong, Tai Chi Instructor
Pre-requisite: Medical Qigong and Qigong Healing Certification and selected courses from National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)-qualified school
This is a 500-hour certification program, and at the completion of this course, the student would be eligible to be certified through the NCCAOM in Asian Body Therapies.

Qigong Physician
Pre-requisite: Diploma from accredited College of Oriental Medicine
For those who have graduated from qualified Oriental Medicine schools. This coursework is to investigate certain topics more thoroughly and work therapeutically with patients using Qigong.
Roger Jahnke, OMD, has dedicated his life to sharing the powerful ancient healing traditions of China. With over two decades of clinical practice as a physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine and eight research tours to China, Dr. Jahnke has practiced and taught Qigong in the United States, Canada, and Asia. He has studied hundreds of forms of Qigong with master teachers and visited over twenty hospitals, institutes and training centers in China, focusing on the cultivation of Qi, vital energy.

Dr. Jahnke has presented at major conferences on advances in alternative and complementary medicine in New York, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and San Diego. He has lectured on self healing and alternative medicine to numerous hospital systems and health care associations, including the HealthCare Forum, the Catholic Health Association, the American Medical Association, and the American College of Healthcare Executives.

He has presented numerous lectures to America's clearinghouse for Qigong information, the Qigong Institute. His workshops at retreat centers like Esalen, Omega Institute, and Kripalu have inspired health care professionals and citizens throughout the United States, Canada, and Asia, with the simple yet amazing truth: the most profound medicine is produced within, through an interaction of physiology, mind and spirit.

Articles written by Dr. Jahnke have appeared in numerous professional journals including Qigong and Science published in Guangzhou, China, Journal of the Healthcare Forum and Qi--Journal of Eastern Health and Fitness, and The Empty Vessel: Journal of Contemporary Taoism. He has been a correspondent on the internet regarding innovation in health care through HealthWorld, HealthOnline and the Natural Healing Forum of Compuserve. He has published a popular Qigong instruction video, Awakening and Mastering the Medicine Within You. He is co-author of the Qigong chapter in the ground breaking book Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide.

Dr. Jahnke's first book. The Healer Within: The Four Essential Self-Care Methods For Creating Optimal Health, published by Harper San Francisco in 1997, delivered the Qigong and Taiji revolution to a broad and general audience in the Americas and the European community. In 2002, Roger's second book, The Healing Promise of Qi, published by Contemporary Books, a division of McGraw-Hill, distills the best and most important lessons gleaned from master Qigong teachers, with guidelines for tailoring a self-healing regimen for any age or medical condition.


The Qigong Alliance is a service of Dao of Well Being and our sponsors.
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